Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

Blepharoplasty is the term used for cosmetic eyelid surgery, but eyelid surgery isn’t only a cosmetic procedure. Sometimes it’s a matter of improving a patient’s field of vision by removing excess tissue. Other times, specialized techniques can be used to repair damage to or reconstruct this delicate area. Blepharoplasty is one of the most successful procedures for rejuvenating the area around the eyes and it can enhance a youthful glow of one’s face. The recovery time is generally about one week. 

Reasons for eyelid surgery.

There are several reasons why someone might require eyelid surgery, and sometimes it’s for purely aesthetic reasons. But our eyelids perform other important tasks, such as protecting our eyes from debris and keeping them well lubricated. Defects or trauma to the area can be corrected during a reconstructive procedure. Another common reason is to repair defects from skin cancer surgeries, such as Mohs Surgery, where cancers are close to the eyelids.

What to expect?

Preparing to have eyelid surgery can be a scary ordeal as most of us rely heavily on our vision. This procedure can leave patients swollen and bruised for between one and three weeks, and stitches may be necessary to heal incisions. The healing time varies between individuals and depends on the amount of work done and the size of the treated area. Ask your doctor for thorough aftercare instructions so that you can help the area heal as quickly as possible. They will also be able to advise you on when you can resume normal activities again, such as driving and exercising.

Set up your appointment with a dermatologist today!

Do you require eyelid surgery to enhance your vision or repair damage to the area? make an appointment and find a clinician or location near you that offers this procedure.
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